Fresh water is the world’s most precious resource. In Australia we are governed by rain and drought seasons that vary across the country.
In this theme you are encouraged to consider how you use water in your immediate school community and how the wider community can do more to conserve this precious resource.
Ideas and Inspiration
Students and teachers are encouraged to become more responsible water consumers, taking actions such as:
- Installing rainwater tanks
- Grey water usage
- Upgrading grounds maintenance, such as installing drip irrigation
- Planting drought-resistant gardens
- Understanding how water is used inside the classrooms and where it could be more efficient.
Some helpful resource links:
Waterwise educational resources for schools
This website provides links to a range of lesson plans and activities for science and geography lessons. There are links to waterwise school toolkits for prep-year 2, years 3, 4, 5 and 6, and years 7 and 8. Free resources are available for Queensland schools through this website.
EnviroMentors Make a Rain Gauge activity
A simple activity, to make rain
gauge to measure rainfall in your garden out of re-used materials.
EnviroMentors Make a Watering Can activity
A simple activity to make a watering can out of used milk bottles.
Australian Government Murray Darling Basin Authority (2022) Lesson Packages: Water as a resource
This link has a number of resources including worksheets and videos relating to year 7 geography and science outcomes including the water cycle, water use and distribution, water quality and water security.
Sustainable schools NSW – Water
This is a set of teaching resources including lesson plans and support materials that cover a range of activities related to water resources in Australia. The resources are applicable for stages 1 – 5 in the NSW schools curriculum and include e-books and online interactive activities.