It’s important that Eco-Schools themes are linked to the curriculum in your school, so as many teachers and students as possible are going on this Eco-Journey, not just the Eco-Committee – you’re aiming to become an Eco-SCHOOL! We have designed this to be as easy as possible, as we are aware there’s not always a lot of scope to move within unit plans set by schools. If you want to create lesson plans based on the Eco-Schools program, brilliant, the program lends itself well to this, but any work linking to any our seven Themes is fine.
Following the Australian Curriculum, whether it’s been adapted by your state, a private, denominational, or homeschool setting, you will find it links in with many KLA objectives, as well as the Cross-Curriculum priorities. Sustainability is the obvious CCP link, but remember, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Culture and Australia’s Engagement with Asia will also fit in beautifully with some of the Eco-School Themes!