Terms and Conditions
Eco-Schools Australia Terms and Conditions
1. Eco-Schools Australia program is managed by Keep Australia Beautiful National Association Ltd. (KABNA) which is the Foundation for Environmental Education’s National Operator in Australia. All matters relating to Eco-Schools Australia may be referred to eco-schools@kab.org.au.
2. Any person or organisation in Australia wishing to deliver activities linked to the Eco-Schools program, must obtain the express written consent of KABNA.
3. Registered Eco-Schools adopt the Eco-Schools Framework (7-Steps) and the Environmental Education Principles developed by the Foundation for Environmental Education.
4. Only registered Eco-Schools are eligible for Eco-Schools Australia awards, grants and other selected program activities. To be classified as a registered Eco-School, participants must:
-Fully complete the Eco-Schools Australia online registration form at eco-schools.org.au.
-Pay in full all relevant registration and award assessment fees to KABNA.
-Maintain up-to-date school details and contact details with KABNA. This is necessary for essential program administration.
-Complete the baseline environmental survey and other reporting as required.
5. Registered Eco-Schools agree to receiving correspondence via email to their given contact people. This is necessary for essential program administration and communications. Please refer to the Privacy Policy for further details.
6. Registered Eco-Schools agree to provide true and accurate information in all aspects of awards and grant applications. The decision of KABNA and their associates is final in the judging of awards and grant applications.
7. Any information, document or image submitted by participants to the Eco-Schools Australia program, such as registration data, award applications and case studies, may be shared by KABNA for administration, educational and promotional purposes. Such information may be shared with FEE, with other registered Eco-Schools in Australia and in other countries, and with program sponsors and other key stakeholders. Information may be displayed on the eco-schools.org.au website, included in written reports or on printed promotional materials. All images submitted to the program, will be deemed to have been submitted with the express permission of the people (and their guardians) contained within the images. Participants may, at any time, request for information, documents or images to be removed from the public arena by writing to eco-schools@kab.org.au, describing the name and location of the document, image or text in question. All requests will be dealt with promptly.
8. Registered Eco-Schools agree to participate in program evaluation activities from time-to-time, at the request of KABNA and other selected Eco-Schools program stakeholders. This may involve requests for information about Eco-Schools program experiences and achievements. This may take place in various formats, such as a written survey response or case study report, or a request for information via email or over the telephone.
9. Registered Eco-Schools agree to participate in program promotional activities whenever possible, at the request of KABNA and other selected Eco-Schools program stakeholders. This may include activities such a supplying a quote or a photograph for a media piece, or a more involved activity such as attending or hosting a promotional event.
10. The Eco-Schools Australia website at eco-schools.org.au contains information, documents and links to other relevant websites, intended to assist participants in establishing a successful program. Every effort is made to ensure this content is accurate and of benefit and assistance to website visitors and program participants, however KABNA is not liable for any errors or inaccuracies that may occur, within content at eco-schools.org.au or any linked website.
11. It is recommended to run an anti-virus program on all material accessed or downloaded from the internet. We cannot accept responsibility for any loss or damage to your data or equipment which may occur while using eco-schools.org.au, hyperlinked websites, or associated downloaded documents.